Deitie(s) : MahaShakti, Nagaraj
Caste : Low Caste
Sex : Eunach
Temperament : Tamasik
Element : Smoke
Direction : South west
Type : Node
Colour :Grey
Gemstone : Gomed (Hessonite Garnet )
Metal : Alloys
Beej Mantra : Om bhraam bhreem bhroum se rahuve namah
Articles for donation : Sarson, mooli, blanket, til, lead, saffron, satnaja
Own Sign : Na
Mooltrikona Sign :
Mooltrikona degree : degrees
Mooltrikona nakshatra :
Exaltation sign : Taurus
Exaltation degree : 20 degrees
Exaltation nakshatra : Bharani
Debilitation sign : Scorpio
Debilitation degree : 20 degrees
Debilation nakshatra : Jyestha
Average daily motion : 3 mins (min = 1/60 degree) (retrograde)
Duration in one sign : 18 months (approx)
Days in one nakshatra : 260 days
Days in one pada : 66 days
Rahu is feminine, renunciation, corruption, epidemics, corruption, tall and phlegmatic, dark in complexion and dirty. He is materialistic, foreign travels and intrigues (secret plans) with low class people. He rules paternal grandfather, maternal grandmother.
Astrologically rahu represents materialism, oldish look and bald, planet of transcendentalism, the lord of the sign and constellation where it is posited. Rahu denotes foreign people, foreign castes, foreign lands and foreign travels.
Indicator of research, harsh speech, life in foreign land, traveling, dearth and want, spot on skin, skin disease, reptile, snake and its bite, poison, epidemics, immoral women
connections, paternal grandfather, maternal grandmother, fallacious arguments, vexatious speech, falsehood, widowhood, drownling, darkness, hurting words, low caste, wicked woman, gambler, heretic, falsehood, cunningness, mean minded, backbiter, hypocrite, given to bad habits, sinking with ships or drowning, pleasure with diseased women, stones,, strength, expenditure, dignity, enemies, epidemics, adulterer, exiles, inventor, other casts, quarrels, smuggling, spy, suicide, venomous, reptiles, widow, wrestler, hunters, slavery, short temper, malechha planet.
Rahu rules liquid
Places ruled by foreign lands, mortuary, slaughter houses, foul smelling dirty places
Rahu has control over skin and blood. buttocks
Diseases caused by Rahu are cholera, smallpox, leprosy,epilepsy,blood poisoning, itches, malaria. Disease of the spleen & adrenals, fall from height, intestines, insanity, ulcer, debility,boils, skin disease, burning sensation, in the body , artificial poisons, diseases difficult to diagnose, diseases of feet and skin ,pain and swelling,accident, amputation, handicap.
Rahu is karka for paternal grandfather, fallacious arguments, harsh speech, gambling, movements, traveling, outcastes, foreigners, snake, snake bite, theft, wickedness, widow, skin disease, itches, eczema, acute or sharp pain in the body, swelling in the body or any part thereof, pilgrimage etc.
Rahu has three aspects i.e. it aspects the house which is 5th, 7th & 9th from itself (where it is placed) and the planet placed in that (5th, 7th & 9th) house.
Rahu considers
Friend : Venus, Saturn
Neutral : Mercury
Enemy : Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Mars
Research, speculators, lawyers, scholars, medicines, antibiotics, telephones, electricity , airlines, aeronautics, aviation, computers, electronics, IT, profession of erratic and cruel nature, sewage, bone mills, hide and skins, magic, corpses, snake catchers, wrestlers, base jobs, butchers acts, thieving, sorcery, gambling, poisonous drugs, electronics, latest research items and dealing in them, jobs in scientific, research and electron fields.