Tendency : Benefic

Special Karka for : Spouse (wife), vehicle, house etc.

Deitie(s) : Sachi Devi, Indrani, Lakshmi

Caste : Brahmin     

Sex : Female

Temperament : Rajasik 

Element : Airy

Direction : South East

Type : Inner

Colour : Pink Shades, Cream

Gemstone : Diamond ,white zircon

Metal : Silver

Beej Mantra : Om dhraam dhreem dhraum se shukraye namah

Articles for donation : Ghee, camphor, curd, silver rice, sugar, white cloth flowers or cow on friday at sun rise


Own Sign : Taurus, Libra

Mooltrikona Sign : Libra

Mooltrikona Degree : 0 to 15 degrees

Mooltrikona Nakshatra : Chitra,Swati


Exaltation sign : Pisces

Exaltation degree : 27 degrees

Exaltation nakshatra : Revati


Debilitation sign : Virgo   

Debilitation degree : 27 degrees

Debilation nakshatra : Chitra


Average daily motion : 62 to 82 mins (min = 1/60 degree)

Days in one sign : 20 to 30 days

Days in one nakshatra : 10 to 13 days

Days in one pada : 3 to 4 days

Venus has curly black hair, huge body, wheaty complexion, feminine, benefic, mixture of all colour, sensual pleasure, vitality, watery in composition with white body and charming appearance, spouse, dance halls, sexual happiness etc. Phlegmatic, poor eater, short stature, youthful looks.


Astrologically Venus shows pleasures of flesh, splendor, radiance, vitality, seminal fluid, sports and games, art & culture, family bliss, wife, love affairs


Indicator of Sensual pleasure, erotic impulses, Jeeva, trade, passion, pleasure, maid servants, perfumes and musical instruments.

Objects ruled

Venus rules vehicles, chemicals, medicines, silk , cotton (fine quality), luxury articles, textiles, decorative articles, luxury garments, pearls, gems, silver.



Places ruled by Venus sugarcane industries, watery places.

Parts Of Body

Venus has control over sexual organs, semen, muscles, thighs, urine & hair.


Diseases caused by Venus are venereal complaints, sexual disability, muscular rheumatism, loss of eyesight and power of smell, spermatorrhoea and leucorrhoea. It also causes diabetes, stone in bladder or kidney, cataract,  dropsy, fits, genital, troubles, swelling, excruciating pains in body, white leprosy, urinary disease,  disease of face eyes & private parts, parotitis euphoria, smallpox, in females – menstrual disorders

Karka Or Duty

Venus is the karka for wife, marriage, sexual matters, genital organ, pleasure of the sense (so in a female native Venus may be co-karka along with Jupiter for husband)  singing, poetry, scents, ornaments, jewelry, all articles of luxury, cooperation from and with others, flowers, flowering trees, beauty, buying and sleeping , cows, watery places, witness etc.

Sun as Karka of houses

Fourth, seventh, twelfth


Venus has  only one aspect i.e. it aspects the house which is 7th from itself (where it is placed) and the planet placed in that (7th) house.


Whenever Venus (direct) is within 10 degrees or Venus (retrograde) is within 8 degrees of the Sun it becomes combust and loses its strength.

Relations with other planets

Venus considers

Friend :Saturn, Mercury

Neutral : Jupiter, Mars

Enemy :Sun, Moon

Strength to deliver results
  • Exaltation sign gives 100% results.
  • Mooltrikona sign 75% result
  • Own sign gives 50% result
  • Neutral sign gives 25% results 
  • Enemy/debilitation sign gives 0% results or gives inauspicious results .
Professions/ Business of

Artists, dramatists, musicians, cinema line, poets, paintings, dress makers, perfumes, vehicle dealers, automobile industry, jewelers, building engineers, dairy, navy, railways, excise, transport, dealing with fair sex, weavers,  income tax wealth tax & revenue if there is link with saturn or the nodes, beauty parlours, fashion experts, gem dealers, water sports, textiles, decorative articles. 


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