Aquarius – कुंभ

ga, sa, sha, Sh (ग, स, श, ष)

Tendency : Independent, detached, unconventional, intellectual

Pessimist, philosophical, intuitive, enigmatic, mysterious, tamsik, Malefic Sign

Sign Lord : Saturn

Arc: 300 to 330 degrees

Nature : Fixed

Tatwa : Airy

Sex : Male

Limbs of Kala Purusha : Ankles, calves of legs

Temperament : Mixed

Caste : Shudra

Direction : West

Strong during : Day

Limbs: Biped

Ascension : Shirsodaya

Exalted Planet :  –

Mooltrikona : Saturn (0-20) degree

Debilitated : –

For Aquarius lagna

Benefic Planets : Sun, Venus, Saturn

Malefic Planets : Moon, Jupiter, Mars 

Yogkarak : Venus

Maraka : Jupiter, Sun, Mars

Badhaka Sthana : Libra

Badhakapati : Venus

Ideal Match Signs : Gemini, Libra

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Places where water has dried up, where men who manufacture liquors live, nest of birds , Place or room in the house where pots are kept. The place frequented by potters.  darkish white in colour, lunar sign, legs, malefic, strong in day,  shirshodaya sign etc., fair looking,  intellectual,  dark hair and has forgiving temperament.

Positive traits

Humanitarian, independent, friendly, willing, progressive, original, inventive, loyal, Idealist, rational, generous, fortune waxes and wanes, capable of hard labour and trying Journeys, good conversationalist, devoted to life partner, make friends very soon, prone to be misunderstood going to humanitarian doctrine, covetous,   perseverance, Sensual, where ever goes leaves an indelible impression, communicative, devoted to family.

Negative traits

Unpredictable, eccentric,  peevish when provoked, continued struggle, Limited means, rebellious, stubborn, tactless, unwilling to share ideas, perverse, rude, self-interested, curious about others.


Intellectual  mental activity, fire service, defense weaponry, archaeologist, astrologer, astronomer, broadcaster, computer programmer, electrical  engineer,  inventor, pilot, radiographer, scientist, sociologist, writer, physical work, local bodies, furnaces, thieving

Parts of body

Ankles, calves and shins

Glands, Nerves, Arteries

Circulatory system


Achilles tendons, breath, eyesight, blood, backbone, injuries to lower legs, varicose veins, poor circulation, blood disorders, nervous is orders, spasmodic eruptions, anaemia, cramps, dropsy, swollen ankles, flatulence.


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