A, L, E (अ, ल, ई)

Tendency : Dynamic, Adventurous, Energetic, Extremist

Acute, violent, bestial, mysterious, impulsive , rhythmic and tamasik sign

Sign Lord : Mars

Nature:  Movable

Tatwa : Fiery 

Sex : Male (Active, dominating and aggressive)


Limbs of Kala Purusha : Head 

Temperament :  Pitta(Bile)

Caste : Kshatriya

Direction : East

Strong during : Night

Legs : Quadruped

Rising : Prishtodaya 


Exalted Planet : Sun 10 degree

Mooltrikona Planet : Mars (0-12) degree

Debilitated Planet : Saturn 20 degree


For Aries lagna

Benefic Planets : Sun, Mars, Jupiter

Malefic Planets : Venus, Mercury, Saturn

Yogkarak : Jupiter

Maraka : Venus

Badhaka Sthana : Aquarius

Badhakapati : Saturn

Ideal Match Signs : Leo, Libra, Sagittarius

Slender in stature , middle stature, round eyes, sharp sight, long face and neck, ruddy complexion, headboard at temples and narrow at the chin, teeth well set, mole or scar on head or temples, weak knees, bad nails, eats sparingly and quickly, fond of walking, bushy eyebrows, developed bones.

The place of jewels, metals, fire, the Earth’s surface having jewels and minerals underneath. Travels during daytime in forests and nighttime in city or village. Colour blood red, lunar sign, malefic , strong, short Ascension, abodes in forest. He has round eyes, square face, good practicability, social, bad temper, does not hesitate to utter falsehood. Prishtodaya sign. Rajoguna predominates.

Positive Traits

Dynamic and creative, original and independent, active and moving about, abundant energy, forceful, pioneering, adventurer, enterprising, courageous, freedom loving,assertive, frank, vitality, decisiveness, power to adjust to circumstances, ambitious, planning ability  strong will power, heroic, self confident, lover for art elegance and beauty, is a leader, takes risk for others, likes changes.

Negative Traits

Fickle minded, quick tempered, extremist, hot constitution, rash, restless, selfish, unsubtle , impulsive, impatient , quarrelsome, aggressive, stubborn, needs a change or break after continuous stay or work, nervy, brash, intolerant, dislikes being told what to do, blind to own effect on others, liable to extreme jealousy, nervy.


Authoritative position, leadership, industry, surgeons, tools, machinery, medicines, metal workers, martial- services, judicial service, agriculture, gardening, liquor houses, gambling, butcher, dentist, explorer, armed forces, engineers, firemen, trade union leaders, architecture, mechanics , sports person, self employed business person, chemicals, manure, dealers, speculations and lotteries, fire arms.

Parts of Body

Head, brain, eyes,  bones of face, upper jaw and muscles.

Glands, Nerves, Arteries

Pineal gland, arteries to head and brain.


Brain derangement or fever, headache, apoplexy, insomnia, pyorrhea, sleeping sickness, eye trouble, accidents from fire, epilepsy, vertigo, eruptions on head or face, piles, sex diseases, afflictions to nerve centers, acne.


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