Sagittarius – धनु

bha, dha, pha, dha (भ, ध, फ, ढ)

Tendency : Philosophical, expansive, optimistic

Outspoken, Positive, Semi fruitful, malefic, bestial Sign

Sign Lord : Jupiter

Arc: 240 to 270 degrees

Nature : Dual

Tatwa : Fiery

Sex : Male

Limbs of Kala Purusha : Thighs

Temperament : Pitta(Bile)

Caste : Kshatriya

Direction : East

Strong during : Day

Limbs: Biped, Quadruped

Ascension : Prishtodaya 

Exalted Planet : –

Mooltrikona :  Jupiter (0-10 degree)

Debilitated : –

For Sagittarius lagna

Benefic Planets : Sun, Mars

Malefic Planets : Mercury, Venus, Saturn

Yogkarak : Mercury, Jupiter, Sun, Mars

Maraka : Venus, Saturn

Badhaka Sthana : Gemini

Badhakapati : Mercury

Ideal Match Signs : Sagittarius, Leo, Gemini, Aries, Libra, Aquarius.

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The places where authorities live or work, horses, chariots and elephants live, the king’s residence etc.are represented by this sign brownish colour, Solar sign, Is malefic, strong in the day, long ascension. prishtodaya  sign, Abode Battlefield, long face and neck, big ears and nose, great strength, liberal cheerful, good at heart, likes physical culture and travelling, loud voice

Positive traits

Humane, hasty, dynamic, jovial, sincere, optimistic, versatile, open and fair minded, philosophical, Frank, visionary, impulsive, active, enterprising, religious, sacrificing nature, god fearing, honest, humble, sympathetic, energetic. prompt, can’t be brought round by force  but can be prevailed upon by persuasion, orthodox, good speech, hates external show and hypocrisy, holds no grudges, happy go lucky, inspiring.

Negative traits

Overanxious, restless, indecisive, callous, tactless, careless, boastful, irresponsible, apt to exaggerate, habit of  preaching, conventional and business like, argumentative, uncommitted.


Counselors, Advisors, ministers, priests,  teachers, lawyers, physicians, civil engineers, Army commanders, cavalry, animal husbandry, vets, weaponry, medicine, cattle, executive authority, accountancy, astrology, professor, lecturer, librarian, philosopher, publisher, writer, professional sports man/ woman, explorer

Parts of body

Hips, thighs, pelvis, sacrum, liver.

Glands, Nerves, Arteries

Sciatica nerve, arterial system.


Lungs, nerves, pelvis, gout, paralysis, sudden fits, injuries and diseases of hips  And thighs, falls, obesity, baldness, nervous breakdown, rheumatism, sciatica, typhoid,  varicose veins, wounds, liver disorders. 


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