Virgo – कन्या

Pa, Tha (प, ठ, ण)

Tendency : Critical, Analytical, Dutiful

Psychic, Benefic, Barren, Negative, Rajasik sign

Sign Lord : Sun

Arc: 150 to 180 degrees

Nature : Dual

Tatwa : Earthy

Sex : Female

Limbs of Kala Purusha : Hip, below navel and above basti, waist

Temperament : Vayu(wind)

Caste : Vaishya

Direction : South

Strong during : Day

Limbs : Biped

Ascension : Shirsodaya

Exalted Planet :  Mercury 15 degree

Mooltrikona : Mercury (15-20 degree)

Debilitated : Venus 27 degree

For Virgo lagna

Benefic Planets : Venus, Mercury

Malefic Planets : Moon, Mars , Jupiter

Yogkarak : Mercury , Venus

Maraka : Mars, Venus, Moon, Jupiter

Badhaka Sthana : Pisces 

Badhakapati : Jupiter

Ideal Match Signs : Taurus, Capricorn, Cancer, Scorpio

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The place of artisanship, place of enjoyment of women, pasture land , land with water, land with corn,colour – variegated or multicoloured, benefic , medium ascension,Shirshodaya sign, vegetation land, shoulders and arms drooping, truthful and kindly, limited number of issues, dark hair, good mental ability, methodical and critical. Solar sign.

Positive Traits

Intelligent, analytical, meticulous, quick-witted, fond of sex and females, modest, precise ,Discriminating, agreeable persons, loves peace and order ,Good memory, loves music and Fine Arts,  methodical,   cautious, prudent, Economical, diplomatic, speak slowly, kind and truthful, witty and charming, emotionally worm, dedicated.

Negative Traits

Fussy, lacks self confidence, self conscious, vindictive, selfish, build castles in the air, impractical, hypothetical, finicky, cynical gets carried away by impulses, cranky and irritable, dogmatic, untidy, prudish, undemonstrative, demanding, nervous, worried, eccentric.


Intellectual careers involving mental activity, accountants, management, CA MBA BBA, author, astrologer, writer, critic, dentist, Doctor, nurse, teacher, statistician, jeweller, actor, singer, reader, scholar, clerk.

Parts of Body

Intestines, abdomen, portion below navel half way to genitals.

Glands, Nerves, Arteries

Lower dorsal nerves


Appendicitis, bowel problems, solar plexus, constipation, anal trouble, arthritis, intestine infection, spleen problems, venal  diseases, indigestion, anorexia, hernia, malnutrition, cholera, colic, diarrhoea, deafness, dysentery,  flatulence, registered disorders.


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