Vedic Astrology and Abroad Settlement Prediction

Vedic astrology, also known as Jyotish, is an ancient Indian science that studies the movements and relative positions of celestial bodies in order to understand and predict human affairs and natural phenomena. One of the many areas in which Vedic astrology can be applied is in predicting the abroad settlement of a native, or the likelihood of a person leaving their home country to live in another. As a best astrologer, we can use our knowledge of this ancient science to help guide you in this aspect of your life.


Examining the Birth Chart and Planetary Influences

The first step in using Vedic astrology to predict abroad settlement is to examine the individual’s birth chart, also known as a horoscope. This chart is created by casting the positions of the planets at the exact time and place of the person’s birth, and analyzing the various planetary influences and their relationships to one another.

One key factor to look at in the birth chart is the position of the planet Jupiter, which is known as the planet of luck, expansion, and long distance travel. A strong and well-placed Jupiter in the chart can indicate a person’s potential for success and happiness in foreign lands. Additionally, the 9th house, which governs long distance travel and higher education, should be analyzed. Another significant aspect that should be taken into account is the 12th house, which represents foreign lands and long-distance travel. A strong 12th house or its lord in the birth chart can indicate the likelihood of settlement abroad.

Analyzing Dasha and Transits

Another important factor to consider is the dasha (planetary period) a person is currently running. Dasha is the planetary period in which a particular planet is considered to be the most influential in a person’s life. For example, if a person is running the dasha of Jupiter, it would be an ideal time for them to consider abroad settlement.

In addition to examining the birth chart and dasha, it is also important to look at any transits (the current positions of the planets) that may be affecting the individual’s chart. For example, if Saturn, the planet of hardship and restriction, is transiting through the 9th or 12th house, it could indicate difficulties or delays in the process of abroad settlement.



Importance of Navamsa Chart

Another important aspect of Vedic astrology that can be used to predict abroad settlement is the study of the Navamsa chart. Navamsa chart is a divisional chart which is used to give more specific information about marriage, career, and spiritual inclinations of the native. A strong 9th or 12th house or its lord in the Navamsa chart can indicate the possibility of abroad settlement.



It’s important to note that no astrological prediction is set in stone and that free will plays a major role in shaping one’s destiny. Astrology can only indicate the tendencies and possibilities, but it cannot predict with certainty that a person will settle abroad. It is also important to consider other factors such as an individual’s personal circumstances, career goals, and life circumstances when interpreting the astrological indications for abroad settlement.

In conclusion, Vedic astrology can be a valuable tool for predicting the abroad settlement of a native. By examining the individual’s birth chart, dasha, transits, and Navamsa chart, a best astrologer can gain insight into the potential for success and happiness in foreign lands, as well as any potential challenges or delays that may arise. The 12th house, in particular, holds a significant amount of importance when it comes to settlement abroad. However, it’s important to remember






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